
Sale Festival 2008 Photographic Competition

As part of its celebrations for Festival Week, Sale Festival 2008 is running a Photographic Competition for keen amateur photographers on the theme of

“Leisure in the Locality”

As we all know, the locality is well known for its enthusiastic approach to leisure activities, be it Sports like Football, Rugby, Snooker, Fishing and the like or just pottering about in boats at The Water Park or on the Canal. :even just having a drink or a meal with friends. Leisure can take on an endless number of guises, and Photographers of all ages are invited to capture the essence of the theme by taking part in this Photographic Competition aimed at picturing the very best of Leisure in Sale and its surrounding area.

The photographs should reflect your favourite ideas of leisure, be it people, events, or even leisure related environmental issues which are now high on everybody’s agenda.

Amateur Photographers who would like to enter the competition should submit up to 4 prints to Sale Waterside Arts Centre to arrive no later than Monday 2nd June.

An esteemed Judge will judge the competition during the week prior to Festival Week, and the winning prints will form part of an exhibition to be held at Sale Waterside Arts Centre during Festival Week, starting 13 June.

The winning prints and runners-up will take pride of place in the Gallery Bar.

In addition to the Senior Competition, there is also a Junior Section for Photographers up to 16, the winner of which will receive a prize of £50. The winner of the Senior competition will receive a fabulous prize of £100, which will be officially presented to them during Festival Week, with runners up prizes of £50 for second place and £25 for third place.

Competition Rules

1. The Competition Theme will be titled “Leisure in the Locality” and the focus should be on any aspect of Leisure, be it Sport, recreation activities or whatever you think represents the competition title the best.

2. There are no age restrictions on who can enter. The Junior Section is for entrants aged 16 or under on June 1st 2008
Family and work colleagues of the Judge and the competition organisers will be ineligible to enter.
Entrants must not be professional photographers

3. All entries must be in print form and can be in monochrome or colour with a maximum print size of 15” x 10” and a minimum print size of 8” x 6” A maximum of 4 prints per author may be entered

4. The Author’s name, address, email address, phone numbers and age if 16 or under ,and entering the Junior Competition must be clearly printed on the back of the print, together with the print title and when and where it was taken

5. The closing date for entries in the competition is Monday 2nd June 2008.

6. Prints should be posted to arrive no later than 2nd June and addressed to “Sale Festival Photographic Competition”, C/O Rosie Scott, Sale Waterside Arts Centre, Sale Waterside, Sale, Cheshire, M33 7ZF

Entries for the competition can also be dropped off at the Box Office at the Sale Waterside Arts Centre between 10.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Saturday, from Monday 31st March onwards

7. An eminent judge will judge the Competition, and Winners will be notified as soon as possible after the judging.

8. There will be three Prizes for the Senior Competition:- First Prize £100 Second Prize £50 Third Prize £25
The Winner of the Junior Competition will receive a prize of £50

9. The judges decision is final and no correspondence on that decision will be entered into

10. The winning prints, runners up, and a selection of other prints will be exhibited in an Exhibition of Visual Arts during Sale Festival Week and for the following 6 weeks, at Sale Waterside Arts Centre

11. The organisers will not be held liable for any prints lost damaged or delayed in the post

12. All entries must be the original work of the author and must not have been previously published. The entrants must be the sole owner of the copyright in all photos and must have the permission of any people featured in the entries

13. By entering the competition, entrants grant the right for Sale Waterside Arts Centre and Trafford Council to publish and exhibit the photographs in print, on their respective websites or in any other media as they think fit

14. If Authors would like their prints returned after the competition, they should enclose a STAMPED self – addressed envelope (of the correct size and postage) with the entry, together with a sheet of paper indicating the titles of the prints to be returned.

15. The organisers cannot be held responsible for any damage suffered by prints during their exhibition, and if they are to be returned, during their removal from their mounting boards, to which they are fixed with adhesive.