
Treasure Hunt

Hi Folks
On Sunday 17th August 2008, SPS will be having a treasure hunt in the Derbyshire area. In theory the route starts in Bakewell and finishes at Chapel-en-le-Frith via 35 miles of country lanes.
On a Sunday, Bakewell is a terrible place for traffic and as none of the clues are actually in Bakewell I thought it better to start at the place of the first clue, Ashford in the Water, where the parking is a little easier.
Ashford in the Water is directly off the A6 just before you reach Bakewell coming from the direction of Buxton.As you turn off the A6 Joyce and myself will be around the corner between 12.30 p.m. and 1.30 p.m.to hand out the clues and any information we can. Please try and turn up as it can be a very nice drive with a bit of interest thrown in and even if it rains, as last time, a laugh can still be had.
Hope you can all turn up.