
2005 Merits Competitions - Final Results

Now that all the tears and recriminations have subsided it is time to publish the final results as compiled and presented by our new merits comp sec AlanB. Congratulations to section winnners Richard, Liam and Graham for submitting a consistent series of excellent images throughout the year. The full results are available in pdf format as usual ..... click below

A word of commiseration to Cy, who as the final judge of the season and therefore ineligible to enter the competition, saw his lead disappear as he awarded points, unknowingly, to Richards images......... never mind there is always 2006...


Sites worth a visit.

Here are 2 sites that are well worth a visit for other peoples images and tutorials. Broadband is helpful here.


L&CPU Annual Print Comp Rules Change

The following is extracted from the L&CPU news page....
Mount rules for the L&CPU 2006 Annual Print Competitions:
1. The maximum mount size will be 20x16 inches , with no minimum.
2. No sticky tape will be allowed on the back of the mounts.
A number of recommendations and guidelines will also be published.

John should have full details at the next meeting.
Also a new section is to be added for digitally projected images. Details can be found here....
together with the rules....



Last night, 10th November saw a well attended lecture by David Power. He entertained us with tales of a 3 month caravan trip around Europe along with his wife. In the first part of the show he showed us a large number of high quality slides from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany and Belgium. All were accompanied by information on the areas visited. The second part of the show was made up of three AV shows. One dealing with Seville, another with the Camargue and the final one with the Rousillon area. All were really well put together sequences and obviously took a lot of work. No digital for David yet but he seems to be getting around to it in the near future. All in all an entertaining evening.


Syllabus Changes

Please remember that this Thursday will be handing in of entries for the merits competition (Seascapes & Open) which will take place a week earlier on Thursday 17th November.
Also all monies for the Annual Dinner (formerley Christmas Dinner) are due on or before the 17th. The dinner itself will take place on 24th Novemeber.


Any Other Subject - Peter Anstess ARPS

Last evening we were treated to a variety of images from Peter. His work, on 6x6 slide film, was a departure from the normal 35mm and showed Peters philosophy of making a photograph from anything you can see around you. He showed his imagination and creativity in a very entertaining way and the evening passed in a flash…. pardon the pun.
Again thanks to Peter and if other members wish to comment please do so…