
2 Way battle

Sale had a great win against MAPS on the 1st December when the subject for the battle was "Parks & Gardens in Greater Manchester".
It was a shame that because of unusual circumstances Altrincham & Hale PS were not able to enter this year. They will next year.
They were represented by the judge for the night Bill Edwards who not only had the excellent taste to make Sale the winners but kept us entertained as well. It was nice to see several members from MAPS attended and it was a little disappointing that so many Sale members were not able to attend.
They missed the cake.
Especial thanks to the selection panel of Graham Shaw, Roland Asquith and Joyce Hollows and to all the members who supported them by sending entries.
Top scores of 20 went to a print by Cy Newton and to 2 slides one by Graham Shaw and one by John McNally. Well done.