Membership Cards
I have been asked top say what the advantages of membership cards are.
Apart from a form of identity, you can get 10% discount at Jessops stores for Jessops own brand items, paper, film etc. You can also get a variable siscount at the camera shop in Altrincham by showing it and asking for a discount. It has worked Joyce and myself. If anyone knows of other places please put on the site.
Whilst on the subject, anyone who has not had the photo for the card taken can if they wish forward me a small digital file of a self portrat to may email address and I will do one for them
A Great Turnout
What a good turnout last night, 28.09.06.
Not only were the numbers good but the number of entries for selection was quite a surprise also. Although some DISCUSSION took place about the selection process in the end I don't think that anyone could say it was undemocratic. Whether it was the right selection only time will tell but at least the whole club was involved.
All it needs now is a good turnout at MAPS on the 3.10.06 to supoport the entry at the battle. Good luck.
Sally Mann Profile
Last night BBC4 broadcast a profile of controversial American Photographer Sally Mann - If anyone is interested in seeing it I have recorded it on VHS. The sound is very poor, but it was an interesting programme nonetheless.
Syllabus Changes
Ammendments to the remaining syllabus for 2006 have been formalised. The details can be found by clicking the link below....
Updated 2006 SyllabusThanks to the syllabus team for resolving the conflicting dates.....