
Stained Glass

IMG_6335 copy copy
IMG_6335 copy copy,
originally uploaded by Liam O'Keeffe.
Welcome to Liam. Another member to join the Flickr/Blogger community. Click to see more of Liam excellent images


A Digital Alternative

Got an old 4x5 camera and an old working scanner. Then look here and make yourself a 115 Megapixel camera......



2006 Merit Competitions

With thanks to the volunteers, the Judges for 2006 are:
30/03/06 Minimalism - Dave Leeming
18/05/06 Story in 3 Images - Richard Parish
03/08/06 Modern Architecture - Cy Newton

05/10/06 Sound - Dave Hollows
23/11/06 Shadows - Jonathan Hart


Disused Tin Mine

Disused tin mine 2
Disused tin mine 2,
originally uploaded by mikebann.
Newly introduced to the art of Blogging and the creation of a Flickr account we see the results of Mikes efforts. An excellent image which can be seen in greater detail by clicking on the image.